Decatur Catholic Athletics (DCA) is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well being of our elementary and middle school school student-athletes. DCA follows the procedures recommended by the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA), Illinois High School Association (IHSA), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and additional professional organizations. We care about our student-athletes, our competitors, and all involved families. DCA seeks to provide procedural and educational resources to promote a positive, healthy, and safe athletic experience for all participants.
Emergency Action Plans (EAPs)
Holy Family Catholic School - VIEW
Our Lady of Lourdes School - VIEW
Concussion Information and Policy
IESA Concussion Information Sheet - VIEW
Concussions and School Performance - VIEW
Understanding Concussions - FOR TEACHERS - VIEW
Return to Learn - VIEW
Return to Play - VIEW
Additional resources on concussions - VIEW
Heat, Hydration, and Performance Information and Policy
General Information - VIEW
Heat Acclimatization Policies - VIEW
Are You Dehydrated? - VIEW
Nutrition Information
Sugar Intake for Kids - VIEW
Sugary Drinks - Drink Smarter - VIEW
Salt Intake for Kids - VIEW
Salt Myths and Facts for Kids - VIEW
Mental Health Information
Mental Health and Physical Activity - VIEW
Severe Weather Information and Policy
IESA Severe Weather Guidelines - VIEW