Decatur Catholic Athletics include student-athletes from Holy Family, Our Lady of Lourdes, and St. Patrick schools. In this co-op environment, student-athletes are expected to not only meet minimal eligibility requirements, but to also adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence set forth by school, diocesan, and IESA policies.
School-sponsored athletic programs are part of the school curriculum and are subjected to the policies of the pastor, board, and school. Further, school-sponsored athletic programs are guided by the general curriculum goals of the school and should in no way detract from the academic and religious goals of the school. Academic and religious policies and norms for students participating in these programs shall be established by the pastor (board) and principal and enforced by the principal.
The minimum academic eligibility requirements for students-athletes are as follows:
Students MUST BE PASSING ALL SUBJECTS which include Reading/Literature, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Band, Physical Education, Religion, Science, Social Studies, and Spelling/Vocabulary, with a weekly cumulative average of 70% or above. Failure to pass these subjects will result in a period of ineligibility lasting ONE WEEK.
The following will result in a student being ineligible for at least a one-week period: an accumulation of 3 infractions per week involving the teachers' rules of classroom conduct, and/or incidents of serious misconduct as defined in the school specific handbook.
The period of ineligibility will last one week. Determinations will be made by the teachers, and coaches will be notified on Mondays or the first school day of the week in the event of a Monday holiday. Students are considered ineligible from Monday morning to the following Monday morning.
A rating of "ineligible" pertains to all extracurricular activities including all sports. Students who are ineligible must attend practices. Student athletes will wear street clothes and sit on the bench with teammates to support the team.
Services to the school and parish (i.e. altar servers, student council, etc.) are not affected by eligibility.
Students who are absent from school on weekdays are ineligible to participate in activities that evening.
Students who leave school due to illness will not be allowed to play in the game scheduled that day. Students must attend school half-day in order to play. Exceptions to this rule include medical/dental appointments.